Home » National » D’Souza: The ‘gangsterization’ of the Democratic Party – Sep 1, 2018

D’Souza: The ‘gangsterization’ of the Democratic Party – Sep 1, 2018

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By J.M. Phelps (One News Now)

The producer of a new film on political history in America asserts that today’s party of Democrats promotes itself – inaccurately – as the party of anti-racism and anti-fascism.

The Democratic Party remains relentless in their effort to “pin the racist and fascist tail on the Republican elephant,” author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza maintains – adding that they are quick to proclaim “Trump is a racist! Trump is a fascist!”

The purpose of these incendiary accusations is to not only delegitimize President Donald Trump, but in effect overturn the result of a democratic election, D’Souza contends. In his latest film and the accompanying book of the same title, Death of a Nation, he reveals that the Democrats have actually been the party of fascism and racism – not just historically but also in the present.

“The historical part shows that the Democratic Party was the party of the slave plantation,” declares D’souza. He goes on to say it was also the party “of segregation, of Jim Crow, of the Ku Klux Klan, of racial terrorism, of opposition to the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, the opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of ’65.” Opposition did not come from the Republican Party. “These facts are not well known, but they are indisputably there in the historical record,” he maintains.

In addition, D’Souza showed that “the Democrats have a deep history of complicity with fascism, especially with Italian fascism, but to a lesser degree with German or Nazi fascism.” He describes some of the riveting themes of the film, which show “FDR is praising Mussolini, and Mussolini is praising FDR. The official Nazi newspaper is also rhapsodically praising the new deal, expressing the idea that ‘We only fear that it might fail.'”

D’Souza continues:

“You would think that, as educated people, we would know all this. This would be taught in the schools. We would see it on the History Channel. But, no, it’s not in the textbooks. It’s not on the History Channel. It’s not on Wikipedia. So, what that tells you is that we have been, you may say, victimized by progressive history, by a progressive narrative that leaves inconvenient facts about the Democratic Party out.”

The historical scenes of the film move methodically to the present day, as D’Souza leads viewers to consider a question the film answers boldly: Where is the racism and fascism in America today? He shows that “both the real racism today and the fascist streak that has now crept into American politics are coming not from the right but from the Democratic left.”

“The progressive elite have a very simple goal and, in fact, that goal can be seen historically in what the Democratic slave owner intended to do,” says D’Souza. “The goal of the Democratic slave owner was really simple; and that is to have other people at your mercy, other people in your control, other people whose lives and liberties are in your hands, whose labor you can confiscate and steal and dispose of as you see fit. This was the old slave master on the Democratic plantation.”

He adds: “The goal of the progressives today is parallel. It’s not identical, but it is parallel. It is, essentially, social control.”

According to D’Souza, today’s “social control” is unlike the past when an individual plantation owner would control a number of slaves on a plantation. The control today, he explains, is exercised through the centralized state, causing the federal government to become – one might say – “the big house.”

D’Souza believes progressives want to use the government for “running the economy and regulating the lives of ordinary citizens. They want to be modern plantation bosses, telling the rest of us how to live our lives and what to believe and what to do.”

In addition, he contends “they actually want to punish those of us who fall out of line or don’t go along with their programs. What they want to do is to excommunicate us, ostracize us, get us fired, and in some cases, even lock us up.”

“We’re seeing a gangsterization in the Democratic Party,” D’Souza concludes.

J.M. Phelps is a Christian activist and journalist based in the Southeastern U.S. He is also editor and publisher of the website Lantern of Liberty.

Originally published by One News Now on Friday, August 31, 2018.

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